Press Releases for friendship

  • 813

    New Website Aims To Tackle Loneliness in Cambridge

    An Essex couple has selected Cambridge, UK as the location to launch Friendships Connect, a new community website ( dedicated to helping people find friendship.

    By : Friendships Connect| 03-10-2016 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 813

  • 539

    New Tween Book Released

    This is the first book in a series of books she is planning on writing for Tweens/Teens & Young Adults.

    By : | 09-13-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 539

  • 505 saves millions of friendships through social networking guide

    Social networking websites has fast became a gold mine for scammers and attackers frustrated by increases level of protection afforded by PC software. Similarly, smart phone users have become the new preferred target of online scammers due to increased PC protections. Don’t become a victim of smart phone and social networking scammers. Read the guide and get the information you need to fully protect yourself.

    By : | 08-04-2011 | Technology:Software | Total Views : 505

  • 501

    Dating and friendship with the One Free Dating

    If, you feel that actively dating is just not the way to find love, you need to give on-line dating a go.

    By : | 02-15-2011 | Lifestyle:Lifestyle | Total Views : 501